Small steps in the right direction are giant leaps in my entrepreneur dream!

I am turning 30 without myself realizing,
it felt like just a blink of an eye.
A read on Bonnidette Lantz’s quote:
“At 30, you finally start to catch up to those dreams you have been chasing for the last 10 plus years”,
brought me back on reality and got me start thinking on what’s next at this age.
Hi everyone, my name is Jin Wen (Cerene) and I am a day trader.
I’m currently working in an investment bank.
2020 has been a memorable year, I believe not only to me but also to everyone out there.
The outbreak of COVID-19 caught everyone off guarded and since then we are living with the new norms.
However, to me COVID-19 is not all bad, due to this virus outbreak the stock market had witnessed one of the greatest spikes in glove companies. I’m blessed to be able to ride on this wave and therefore records my best profit surge in 2020.

2022 is when all these unusual stock market spikes come to an end, stock market is crashing.
In such bearish market, to avoid overtrading, I have to reduce my transaction, this gives me more time to make small talk with my colleagues and also the luxury of enjoying my “extra” me time during trading hour by scrolling through social media or watching dramas.
Not wanting to waste my free time, I started to look for a part time job, hoping to improve myself individually and financially.
Knowing that I will be a wife and a mother sooner or later, and one day I will also bear my own baby.
The discomforts during pregnancy such as nausea, fatigue, mood swings, and indigestion, will definitely affects my trading. Since trading is the main source of my income, not being able to trade would be the same as not having a stable income.
The only requirement for my part time job is flexibility, I wanted it to be a job where I get to choose when and where.

Give it a Try
The COVID-19 pandemic leads to the arising of health problems in people around me. I had not only seen people suffering during infection and the long Covid Symptoms, but also the least to be noticed, the mental health of people due to new norm.
Call it an occupational habit, my job requires me to be alert on today’s trend, and that is mainly why I decided to join iTeam.
This outbreak had reminded us that we shouldn’t take health for granted, having a good health is a blessing. People like myself are having more awareness on personal health and this leads to the up-trending growth in healthcare industry.
To put it simply, I join iTeam because I see the GREAT POTENTIAL in this industry.
So I decided to give it a try, anything is possible when WE MAKE A MOVE!
small steps lead to big changes. I left my comfort zone and began on this new journey.

iTeam, a Gateway of International Business
In iTeam, sky is the limit, we are not limited to only business in Malaysia, iTeam provides a platform for us to expand our business abroad to countries like America, China, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and so on..
There are total of 13 countries in the list and more to come.
Hence, my aim of having my own E-Business is no longer a dream through iTeam.
What surprised and attracted me the most is the education system provided by iTeam, the iTeam Business School (IBS). Where we could get most answers online, 24/7 on any issues or questions we have while running on this business. IBS is perfect for someone who start this business from the scratch. Just like me who had zero knowledge/foundation, but we could pick up the essences of running this business in a short time

Unexpected Achievement & Rewards
Nutritional Immunology products work on my mom!
My mother has had indigestion problem for years, she was always feeling bloated and at times dizziness. When I get to know more about Nutritional Immunology, I introduced it to my mom without delay.
What I did was replacing her breakfast with Soygreen, making sure that she’s taking it every day. After few weeks, the product speaks for itself! My mom’s feedback was her stomach feels much better now.
What surprises us is the frequency of her having indigestion/bloated have not only been reduced, but she also feels improvement in her digestion ❤️

Unexpected Achievement & Rewards
Another perks that come along with joining iTeam is I get to make new friends from all over the world, friends with common goals and ideology.
These people are selfless, willing to share, guide, assist and lead me to excel in iTeam. I am so grateful to have such friends as business partner. Together with excellent platform, iTeam.
The road to success is not lonely, but full of positive vibes. I get to know a different me.
Small steps in the right direction are giant leaps in my entrepreneur dream!

Shared by:Jin Wen
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