I believe I can turn my life around in iTeam!

I’m Cherylyn, I graduated with BA(Hons) Graphic Design. I love arts and design therefore I’ve a dream to become a famous designer in the world. I went to a top leading art and design college called The One Academy to study. I’m so grateful to have my parents’ support. Without them, I don’t think I have the ability to study in an outstanding college, I will not have the chance to know more about designs and enjoy every single moment of my study. Not only supporting me financially but also physically. They will support my every art exhibition physically and I can feel that they’re proud of me.

But in reality, I worked in a global company for 3 years right after I graduated. I’ve chosen to work as a marketing executive instead of designer because the salary is higher than designer. In these 3 years, I work hard to get promotion. I got promoted twice in 3 years and of course salary increased, but the workload increased too. I’m getting overwhelmed yet no one could help because everyone got their own tasks too. At that moment, I felt like I’ve no life, my life is grey. I couldn’t find myself enjoying or be happy in the working place.
In March 2020, when the pandemic broke out and the country was locked down, I felt insecure and inexplicably anxious. As an ordinary office worker, I was afraid of being laid off and worried about getting the coronavirus too. That’s the moment that triggered me to have a plan B for myself. So, I contacted Poh Lee, a Nutritional Immunology sharer who has been serving my mother for many years, to learn about the advantages of iTeam and the international platform provided by iTeam. Then only I realize I can start a business flexibly by just using our mobile phone. Another point I choose to join is because there’re no capital to start, I can start anytime with the system that iTeam provided.
I worked as a full-time designer during the day and as a part time entrepreneur at night. I allow myself to spare few hours a day out from my full-time job to fully focus on sharing Nutritional Immunology and the eCommerce business to my family and friends. Not only that, but I also exposed myself to live sessions in Facebook and Zoom meeting, in order to show my family and friends that I’m taking this seriously.

Until the point that I felt overwhelmed by my full-time job. I’ve a long discussion with my husband, he is so supportive and asked me to take a break from the company to de-stress. He was on the same page as me, he knew that it’s a struggle to work in a company that I felt overwhelmed and have no interest anymore, knowing that it’s a waste of time as I don’t see my career path in the company. So, I quit my job.
Till then, I really think that having a plan B in life is so important! Ever since I resigned from my first working place, I found out that I was pregnant. Another challenge I faced in the same year. I always have a plan in mind and wish to follow step by step, but this time I failed. I didn’t expect it and everything fell at the exact same time. To be honest, I went to many interviews but none of them were willing to hire me because I’m pregnant. Reality is cruel. Once you’re pregnant, you’ve almost zero chance to get a new job.
Luckily, I found myself a plan B which combines the eCommerce and wellness trend during the lockdown period, at least this is the career that kept me alive. Most importantly, I feel happy and enjoy working from home.

Also, iTeam culture has touched my heart and kept me motivated along the journey. All members are like a family, contributing selflessly and helpful. Through the system(iBS) that’s provided by iTeam and hand in hand coaching from my uplines. I was promoted to VIP within 1 year.
So, I’m setting a goal for myself which is to be the company’s highest rank – Triple crown. I want to be a successful entrepreneur with a balanced and happy life. My life goal is to be able to provide my parents a good lifestyle like how they brought me up, a role model for my child, a good wife to my husband. I believe I can turn my life around in iTeam!
Yes I Can, Yes We Can!
Shared by:Cherylyn Tan
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