iTeam 是一群有梦想有行动的创业家,凝聚在一起,为了助人助己,一条心成就人生。 我们群策群力,集思广益,足以独立执行团队领导,营销策略,内部培训,国际业务不等

其运行能力达到企业的水平! 也因此让团队的业绩居于业界前列,成为创业家的领航团队。 我们跨越背景,文化和语言,以踏实的脚步,建构属于网络创业家成功的平台。 共同建筑“一个家,一条心”的堡垒! 让你我在这个平台看见属于自己的光泽与色彩,让团队造就个人,个人成就团队!  “i” 不止表达了团队的国际化 (International) 和电商的趋势 (Internet)也是每一位成员的梦想与价值 (Individual-“i”),“我”的梦想与价值! 在这里你我共同发现梦想,共进退,坚守起初创业的信念!你我感受到的是温度,是责任,更是一家人。 在想怎样才能赚到钱之前,要先想我对他人、对社会的价值在哪里! 在 iTeam,我们通过不断与他人进行双赢的价值交换,达到壮大自己和发展自己的目的! 记住!任何真正成功的人生,都是为他人创造价值的人生。iTeam 创业家不仅仅是为了赚钱,而金钱也绝对不是作为衡量成功的唯一标准。  钱的作用在于,你能用它来做自己想做的事。钱本身并不是生活的目的,你自己想做的事才是! 钱就好比汽油,生活的目的不是为了获得汽油,而是为了让汽车加满油之后,去那些你想去的地方。在这里我们浓缩3年的努力,打好未来30年的稳定基础!

Get To Know Us

Elead Global is a new company, set up by a 30 years old international corporation and is based in Hong Kong. Over the past 30 years, the R&D team has ensured that all researches and manufacturing procedures adhere to strict regulations according to the standards of nutritional immunology. Every product has to undergo over 2000 types of safety tests, including: pesticides, chemical pollution, heavy metal content, toxins, bacteria, viruses etc. before they are being launched in the market. We have received multiple awards over the years and our products are highly regarded within the consumer market and the medical industry.  

Elead Global provides huge entrepreneurial opportunities with its multiplex e-commerce business model. It is a zero-risk business opportunity, no franchise fees required, no stocking of inventory, no logistic issues etc. All you need is a smartphone to register and you can kick-start your business.

The traditional e-commerce companies will require huge start-up capital for their business operations such as setting up their own website, marketing campaigns, payment gateway, stocking up of inventory, logistics etc. Not forgetting the payroll, taxes, legal fees etc.

The iTeam team is an international team with over 20 years of experience. It provides comprehensive online and offline training, professional coaching, offline operations support and professional business operations and marketing assistance. The CPR system also helps us to tap into new market easily and have successfully created multiple millionaires over the years. Riding on the healthy lifestyle trend, we have created a platform that allows you to penetrate the global market and catalyses your entrepreneurial dream! Choose iTeam as your entrepreneurial platform!   

You can’t buy a good idea with money, but a good idea can generate a billion dollar income for you. Can you imagine how the iTeam business can change your fate and your family’s? The biggest difference between a successful person and an ordinary person is not their academic qualifications or financial resources, but their idea and platform.

The key to success is having the right team and doing the right thing with the right people, on the right platform!

iTeam is your answer! You! Are the beginning of everything! Your decision will allow you to move closer to your dream.

iTeam is the best online platform to help you achieve your dreams!

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The iTeam team is an international team with over 20 years of experience. It provides comprehensive online and offline training, professional coaching, offline operations support and professional business operations and marketing assistance. The CPR system also helps us to tap into new market easily and have successfully created multiple millionaires over the years. Riding on the healthy lifestyle trend, we have created a platform that allows you to penetrate the global market and catalyses your entrepreneurial dream! Choose iTeam as your entrepreneurial platform!   

You can’t buy a good idea with money, but a good idea can generate a billion dollar income for you. Can you imagine how the iTeam business can change your fate and your family’s? The biggest difference between a successful person and an ordinary person is not their academic qualifications or financial resources, but their idea and platform.

The key to success is having the right team and doing the right thing with the right people, on the right platform!

iTeam is your answer! You! Are the beginning of everything! Your decision will allow you to move closer to your dream.

iTeam is the best online platform to help you achieve your dreams!

Hello! We are iTeamWorld

Glad to see you here!
We believe you have arrived at this point, because “you intent to and want to improve your current life” or “you wish to boost your income”.
If you are ready for a change, please fill in your contact information below and we will provide you with further information.
It is absolutely risk-free, because no payment will be required. The information will be given to you free of charge!