All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them

For many years, I was a tax consultant in Big 4 accounting firms climbing the corporate ladder, then went on to a Chinese Multinational Technology Corporation out of consulting field. Salary was good but work was overloaded with late nights. Until after I had 2 children, I quit.
At that point I thought, I need to build something that I’m passionate about and have flexible working time. Thus, I ventured into Early Childhood Education.
In short, life is exactly how I make it out to be regardless at what age.
Hello everyone, my name is Jaqueline (people called me Jaq) and I’m currently a preschool owner.
2020 & 2021: THRIVING YEARS
In 2020, I turned 40 with 3 daughters who are in primary and kindy age. A year of struggle in business like many others during the start of Covid-19 pandemic.
This Covid-19 pandemic caught everyone off-guard. Most business owners are scrambling and trying to find ways to survive. Suddenly everyone goes online, including early childhood education. My business hit a loss in 2020 though was profitable prior to that.
In 2021, not much recovery but my business managed to thrive and survive even though there were many preschools closed down. I view it as the survival of the fittest during this pandemic.
My thought straight away, how to make early childhood education pandemic-proof if another similar pandemic hits again in future.

2020 & 2021: HEALTH ISSUES
Throughout 2020 & 2021, as a business owner, did many expenses cuts including my own salary in 2021. 50% cut was a big impact to me. I started to sleep very late as I couldn’t sleep, lost weight unhealthily, then gained back a lot due to stress and binge eating because of sleepless nights.
Then I started to feel something not right with my health as I was easily out of breath each time I climb the stairs and sometimes felt I was breathing fast though I was in resting position.
Also, felt tightness of chest. I start to get conscious of my weight at 52kg (post-pregnancy was around 48kg), so it was an unhealthy gain of weight. Tiredness, fatigue, mood swings and insomnia hit me.

I got to know about eLead from a friend Meggie’s post on social media. I saw her posting about her diet exchange, her food intake and her exercise routine. I was curious and I thought why not give it a try since that time preschools were still not allowed to go back physical and I was stuck at home conducting online learning.
Not wanting to waste my time, I approached her and she shared about the 7 days diet exchange program to me, on how it helps her and her family. I decided to embark on this 7 days journey plus additional 2 days.
Main issues to tackle are chest tightness, tiredness, fatigue, mood swings, insomnia, and weight loss.
Followed through strictly as I do not want to lose out from the 9 days. I had tremendous transformation and gotten much praises from people around me.
Not only that, I felt my body was light and the chest tightness gone. Great overhaul of my body through that 9 days. I started to change my wardrobe as my previous clothes were all too loose. Felt good about myself. Flexibility gets better too.

ME!! Felt good about myself

Not wanting this good news to just reach me, I started sharing about my changes & daily lifestyle on social media and caught a few of my friend’s attention. They started asking about what I did to get the change.
I shared and I was happy that 3 of them went through the 7 days diet exchange and had great result too.

My sister-in-law tremendous transformation
The more I learnt and listen to Dr EE’s sharing about NI, the more I believe in eLEAD. I am very impressed at the amount of knowledge from NI which I never knew before. Amazing thing is the founder and her children only shared about NI knowledge consistently. Also, I have read through Dr Chen’s book on Nutrition, Immunity and Longevity and the information are so eye opening.
Learning about NI benefits me a lot and I managed to share with friends & family too. I bought for my parents Berrybeat as they have high blood pressure and my father had stroke earlier in 2021. They took it for 1 month and went for their monthly doctor check up. Doctor was surprised that blood pressure reduced. My mom straightaway asked me to get another box for them.
Started off as a consumer, but with the knowledge of NI, I start to believe in the products and what are the benefits for our health. Health and wellness are definitely trending right now more than before.
With many network marketing out there, eLEAD is definitely different. Sharing of NI to the people around us helps them and will help us too. The more I hear about NI and the more I hear from Dato Kelvin on the potential markets, I am more convinced to give it a try.
Though I am still a beginner, with the English version of IBS, it will definitely help with any knowledge or issues needed, and to help me in running the business.

The members share all the time and I am impressed at the weekly meetings that they have for sharing of diamonds. I can see the passion they have in helping people to know about NI and care for their own health.

They really share as much as they can. They will guide, assist, and lead me in this business. I can see that from top down approach makes a lot of difference in a team. How approachable are the founder & founder members to its many many downlines make the culture more intact and closely knitted.
The journey is not alone thus far, by having passionate upline who are so willing to share all their knowledge, feeling the positive vibes in them make me feel belonged in this team.

My dream is to provide what I can for my children to be successful in what they want to be one day.
Apart from love & time, I want the knowledge about NI to be passed down to my next generation and the next generation to come.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Shared by:Jaqueline
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